

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog

Selasa, 24 Desember 2013

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog

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So long, 2013, and thanks for all the fish

Posted: 24 Dec 2013 01:09 AM PST

Now that 2013 is almost over, we'd love to take a quick look back, and venture a glimpse into the future. Some of the important topics on our blog from 2013 were around mobile, internationalization, and search quality in general. Here are some of the most popular new posts from this year:

It's been a busy year here on the blog. We hope that our posts here have helped to make these - sometimes complex - topics a bit easier to understand. Is there anything you would have wanted more information about? Let us know in the comments!

Our Help Forum and office hours hangouts have also been a place for helpful, insightful, and sometimes controversial discussions. It's not always easy to find ways to improve websites, or to solve technical & usability issues that users post about, so we're extremely thankful to have such a fantastic group of Top Contributors that give advice and provide feedback there.

Where are we headed in 2014? Only time will tell, but I'm sure we'll see more information for the general webmaster, hard-core technical advice, ways to make mobile sites even better, rockin' Webmaster Tools updates, tips on securing your site & its connections, and more. Are you ready? Don't forget your towel & let's go!

On behalf of all the webmaster help forum guides, we wish you happy holidays & a great 2014.

Switching to the new website verification API

Posted: 23 Dec 2013 01:48 AM PST

Webmaster level: advanced

Just over a year ago we introduced a new API for website verification for Google services. In the spirit of keeping things simple and focusing our efforts, we've decided to deprecate the old verification API method on Match 31st, 2014. The rest of the API will remain unchanged, this only affects the verification method. For more information about verification in general, please see our site verification Help Center article.

One advantage of upgrading to the new API for verification is that it uses the same client libraries as most other Google APIs, which simplifies integration with other apps and tools. Getting started is easy, especially if you're used to other Google APIs:
  1. Download the Google API client library for your favorite programming language.
  2. Learn about the Site Verification API and its methods.
  3. Allow your users to authenticate with OAuth.
  4. Start verifying!

If you can't wait to try it out and are a fan of command lines, here's a shortcut:
  1. Download and install oacurl.
  2. Authenticate with a Google Account:
    $ java -cp oacurl-1.2.0.jar com.google.oacurl.Login \
      --scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/siteverification
  3. Request the verification information:
    $ echo '{ "verificationMethod": "FILE", "site": {
     "identifier": "http://www.example.com",
     "type": "SITE" } }' | \
     java -cp oacurl-1.2.0.jar com.google.oacurl.Fetch \
     'https://www.googleapis.com/siteVerification/v1/token' \
     --content-type JSON -X=POST
  4. Create & add the file to your website, then verify:
    $ echo '{ "site": { "identifier": "http://www.example.com",
    "type": "SITE" } }' | \
    java -cp oacurl-1.2.0.jar com.google.oacurl.Fetch \
    'https://www.googleapis.com/siteVerification/v1/webResource?verificationMethod=FILE' \
    --content-type JSON -X=POST
  5. Done!

We hope this API will make it easier to implement Google site verification in your projects. Should you have any questions, feel free to comment here, or post in our Webmaster Help Forum.