Mahluk Gaib yang Suka Berhubungan Intim dengan Manusia Posted: 08 May 2011 12:47 PM PDT Sepanjang sejarah di dunia, banyak orang mengaku pernah melakukan hubungan seks dengan mahluk-mahluk supranatural. Dan sebagai hasilnya, sering diceritakan beberapa mahluk mistik pernah muncul di tengah-tengah kehidupan masyarakat. Spoiler for 10. Popobawa:  Popobawa adalah mahluk bermata satu dan memiliki penis yang besar. Konon mahluk ini suka menguntit pria dan wanita di Zanzibar, Afrika. Mahluk ini bisa berubah wujud, bisa menjadi hewan maupun manusia. Mahluk ini biasanya mengincar dan menyodomi para mangsanya pada malam hari, dan tidak membeda-bedakan pria, wanita, maupun anak-anak.
Spoiler for 9. Trauco and La Fiura:  Mahluk ini berasal dari Chiloé, sebuah pulau di Chile bagian selatan. Mahluk ini punya kekuatan dengan tatapan mata untuk melumpuhkan para wanita sebelum berhubungan seks dengan mereka. Mahluk ini digambarkan bertampang jelek dan berbentuk seperti goblin dengan memakai penutup kepala dan jubah. Mahluk ini berkomunikasi dengan berdengus. Beberapa laporan mengatakan, mahluk ini juga tidak perlu berhubungan langsung dengan korbannya, tapi cukup dengan tatapan matanya bisa membuat para korbannya hamil.
Spoiler for 8. Succubus and Incubus:  Succubus adalah setan wanita berparas menarik yang bisa menggoda para pria untuk berhubungan seks dengannya. Konon mahluk ini diyakini sebagai refleksi dosa manusia yang berhubungan dengan seks terhadap wanita. Incubus adalah versi pria dari Succubus. Incubus akan menguras tenaga dan menyerap energi para korbannya. Berbeda dengan Succubus, Incubus menghamili korbannya dengan benih Incubus. Dan kelak begitu bayinya lahir, bayi tersebut tidak memiliki denyut dan tidak bernafas. Barulah setelah berusia 7 tahun, bayinya menjadi normal dan menarik serta memiliki kecerdasan tinggi. Menurut legenda, penyihir Merlin diyakini adalah hasil dari hubungan antara Incubus dan manusia.
Spoiler for 7. Encantado:  Di Brazil, daerah hutan Amazon, ikan lumba-lumba di sungai Boto dipercaya memiliki kekuatan berubah wujud. Mahluk yang bisa menjelma menjadi seorang pria tampan itu disebut Encantado. Encantado akan mengajak wanita ke sungai, dan berubah wujud kembali menjadi ikan lumba-lumba, kemudian menghamili wanita itu. Para wanita muda setempat mewaspadai setiap pria yang memakai topi, karena menurut legenda, Encantado selalu memakai topi untuk menutupi rupa aslinya.
Spoiler for 6. Lilu:  Dalam cerita rakyat Yahudi, Lilu adalah setan yang suka mengunjungi wanita di saat tidur. Versi wanita dari Lilu adalah Lili. Para setan ini merupakan sumber kekawatiran para ibu karna mereka juga dikenal suka menculik anak-anak. Lilu dan Lili suka mengunjungi para korbannya pada malam hari untuk menghasilkan benih keturunan demi kelanjutan ras mereka.
Spoiler for 5. Liderc:  Di daerah utara Hungaria, konon dikenal mahluk yang disebut Liderc. Mahluk itu menetas dari telur ayam hitam, dan sering disembunyikan di kantong. Mahluk ini masuk ke rumah korbannya melalui lobang kunci. Begitu masuk, mahluk ini berubah wujud menjadi manusia yang dimiripkan dengan kerabat korbannya. Mahluk ini memperkosa korbannya dan setelah itu membuat rumahnya menjadi sangat kotor sebelum pergi. Beberapa laporan mengatakan, kadang Liderc menjadi betah dengan korbannya dan tidak mau melepaskannya. Sampai hari ini, sudah menjadi kebiasaan bagi anak-anak di Hungaria untuk menginjak dan memecahkan telur yang keluar dari ayam hitam agar terhindar dari mahluk itu.
Spoiler for 4. Orang Minyak:  Di tahun 1960, banyak para wanita mengalami pemerkosaan di beberapa tempat di Malaysia. Pelakunya digambarkan sebagai orang telanjang, dan seluruh tubuhnya dilumuri dengan minyak. Beberapa orang berkata, bahwa Orang Minyak tidak bisa dilihat oleh perempuan yang sudah tidak perawan. Di masa kepanikan itu, banyak para wanita muda mulai memakai baju berkeringat dan bau untuk mengecoh agar Orang Minyak mengira mereka adalah pria. Beberapa spekulasi mengatakan, bahwa Orang Minyak hanyalah manusia penjahat biasa yang melumuri badannya dengan minyak agar susah ditangkap dan juga sebagai kamuflase di malam hari.
Spoiler for 3. Alp:  Legenda ini berasal dari cerita rakyat dari Jerman. Alp adalah mahluk yang bentuknya kecil seperti kurcaci yang memasuki tubuh korbannya melalui lubang hidung, mulut, atau vagina. Begitu masuk, maka Alp punya kemampuan untuk mengendalikan mimpi si korban dan menciptakan mimpi buruk. Para korbannya akan merasa seperti tidak bernafas begitu sudah bangun.
Spoiler for 2. Malaikat (dunia Barat:  Menurut kitab Yahudi, Nephilim adalah ras raksasa hasil dari hubungan antara Malaikat dan manusia. Menurut cerita, bahwa dahulu para petinggi Malaikat turun ke bumi untuk mengajarkan manusia tentang kebaikan. Dan setelah berabad-abad, banyak dari Malaikat tersebut yang tertarik pada wanita di bumi dan melakukan hubungan seks sehingga menghasilkan Nephilim. Seiring waktu, Nephilim ternyata bisa melakukan kejahatan dan dosa yang besar. Melihat hal itu, Tuhan murka dan memerintahkan Malaikat Gabriel untuk memerangi mereka sampai punah.
Spoiler for 1. Alien:  Menurut isu yang beredar, sudah banyak kasus-kasus penculikan oleh alien, dan banyak dari mereka mengaku berhubungan seks dengan alien. Seorang pria dari desa di Brazil bernama Antonio, pada tahun 1957, dia mengaku diculik oleh alien dan ditempatkan di ruangan yang di dalamnya terdapat seorang wanita cantik dan dia dipaksa berhubungan seks dengannya. Howard Menger mengaku sering berhubungan seks dengan Marla, seorang wanita cantik berambut pirang berusia 500 tahun dari luar angkasa. Pada tahun 1970, seorang gadis berumur 19 tahun mengaku pernah diperkosa oleh 6 mahluk berwarna biru dan berkaki seperti manusia. Dia diperkosa setelah menyaksikan pesawat luar angkasa mereka mendarat. Akibat kurangnya bukti-bukti mengenai hal tersebut, banyak pihak yang mengabaikan laporan-laporan seperti itu dan malah menganganggap bahwa klaim-klaim tentang alien semacam itu merupakan halusinasi orang-orang tersebut. |
Al-Qur'an Terkecil Berusia Ratusan Tahun Posted: 08 May 2011 12:25 PM PDT Memiliki Al-Quran mini dengan panjang 2,5 cm, lebar 1,8 cm, dan tebal 1 cm adalah hal yang langka bagi umat muslim pada umumnya. Tak hanya itu, membaca Al-Quran mini tersebut juga merupakan sesuatu yang jarang terjadi. Namun, itulah yang terjadi pada H Moch Sodiq (47), warga Desa Rembang, Kecamatan Rembang, Kabupaten Pasuruan, yang tak lain adalah mantan Ketua Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Kabupaten Pasuruan. Bahkan diakuinya, Al-Quran miliknya ini usianya hingga sudah mencapai ratusan tahun lamanya. Al-quran mini dengan panjang 2,5 cm, lebar 1,8 cm, dan tebal 1 cm miliknya di Rembang, Kecamatan Rembang, Kabupaten Pasuruan "Dapat Al-Quran dari ayah saya H Fauzi. Al-Quran ini sendiri, diturunkan secara turun temurun sudah empat generasi. Saya menerima Al-Quran ini, ketika waktu masih SMP. Kalau diperkirakan, usia Al-Quran hingga 150 tahun lebih," terang H Moch Sodiq, pemilik Al-Quran mini, Diungkapkan Sodiq, bukan hanya sekadar mini ukurannya, tetapi Al-Quran itu juga memiliki sejumlah keistimewaan, yang tak dimilik oleh Al-Quran lain pada umumnya. Yakni, kondisinya yang tetap utuh dan tak rusak lantaran dimakan oleh rayap. Padahal, Al-Quran mini itu sendiri tak mendapatkan perawatan secara khusus. "Yang menakjubkan dari Al-Quran ini, adalah dalam usianya ini ia tidak dimakan rayap. Padahal, blongsongnya saja yang baru saya buat sudah rusak dimakan rayap. Ya ini mungkin salah satu mukjizatnya. Al-Quran ini nantinya, akan saya wariskan kepada anak saya Tian Iqbal Sauki," ungkapnya. Tak hanya itu, berkah dari membaca Al-Quran mini, Sodiq pun akhirnya selamat dari berbagai macam musibah yang dialaminya. Di antaranya, seperti peristiwa kecelakaan ketika dia ditabrak mobil waktu masih belajar di SMA. Untungnya, nyawanya tak melayang dalam kecelakaan itu. "Saya yakin bahwa Al-Quran ini sangat istimewa dan punya khasiat istimewa, karena banyak hal yang saya rasakan. Di antaranya itu, ketika waktu saya masih SMA. Sore-sore pulang dari sekolah habis membaca Al-Quran ini, saya ditabrak mobil dan terlempar beberapa meter. Alhamdulillah tidak apa-apa," tandasnya. Bukan hanya selamat dari kecelakaan, Sodiq pun juga akhirnya berhasil selamat dan lolos dari maut akibat ancaman bom ikan yang meledak di rumahnya ketika dirinya diteror oleh orang tak dikenal semasa menjabat sebagai ketua KPU Kabupaten Pasuruan beberapa tahun yang lalu. "Selanjutnya, saya selamat ketika rumah saya dibondet. Waktu itu, saya baru menjabat sebagai Ketua KPU Kabupaten Pasuruan pada Januari 2004 lalu. Bondetnya, waktu itu ada dua mas. Yang satu meledak dan satunya tidak," pungkasnya.Semoga menambah wawasan kita semua. |
Pop Art Canvas Style Posted: 08 May 2011 10:22 AM PDT With the vast improvements being made in today's technology great improvements in the art industry are also flourishing. These improvements are becoming ever more evident in our daily lives such as allowing people who aren't connected or involved in the art world to enjoy the pop art canvas style. The true love and passion from the artists working with this art form on a daily basis have undoubtedly brought the techniques in to the modern world for all to become part of. Besides museums, such styles can be seen regularly in magazines, on the web, and in many books and comic strips. Pop art portraits are readily visible in our daily lives as more artists get hooked on the challenging way that such artworks can be made. Saturating such art styles unfortunately truly becomes the death of the style but for decades this art form has been used repeatedly without succumbing to that saturation. One concrete example of such rectification is the more durable art canvas being used for pop art canvas. Such canvas has been designed for lifelong usage and it is expected for such canvas art to last for a decade, given that it is properly cared for. A few specific color requests to meet your needs and you will be surprised at how naturally it matches your house décor. This is exactly the reason why more and more people turn their treasured photographs into pop art canvas. If you are looking to preserve a favorite photograph of your family, then simply head to your local art shop and have your digital photo converted into a fully customized pop art canvas. Not only does it serve as touching memorabilia of the memories embedded in your chosen photograph, but it can also double up as an interesting piece of modern art which you can hang in your living room. Not only for oneself, but as a gift, as the artwork makes a wonderful and unique gift idea to give to their loved ones. The cool shades and crisp hues clearly convey a message of its own, this is why the art form catches the eye of many advertisers who would like to grab the attention of the youth and the kids who seem subconsciously attracted to colorful hues. Due to the vibrant colors and attention grabbing shades of each pop art canvas, such art techniques are used for posters, advertisements, and just about any other form of media that you can imagine. This is probably due to the fact that the vibrancy that each artwork exudes is very similar to positive energy and good vibes we love to experience as humans. With the advancement in the modernisation of arts and art techniques, it is now possible to see these pop art artworks almost anywhere we go in the world. Aside from being an interior house piece and a unique gift idea, items made from pop art canvas can also be used for making personalized shirts, customized pillowcases, and even handbags. The life of these amazing art pieces will undoubtedly live on for eternity.  |
Reasons For Buying Supplements For Dogs Posted: 08 May 2011 10:06 AM PDT  Is your canine comrade as healthy as you wish it to be? Are you keen on buying supplements for dogs and give your furry friend the chance to develop a good-healthy body? If you are decided to get some canine vitamins for your puppy, make sure you get the good ones. Obvious facts like the weird composition scripted on the package should arouse your carefulness, along with the care on your dogs regarding the low average of vitamins and vital minerals contained by some of these supplements for dogs. Purchasing the nutritive supplements for dogs, there should appear your care for the hidden danger of some "vitamins" that may affect your loyal friend because of the warnings inscribed on the packaging. The ingredients shown on the supplements for dogs should be wisely inspected, no matter how hurry you are. Dogs may cope with a lower taste of the food when the artificial flavors, sugars and preservation substances are contained in the dog food. However, the dogs' food ought to be natural and healthy, because there are fast chances of getting sick. To get an idea on how the best supplements for dogs should be, we notice the following: dogs' food must contain Vitamin A, indispensable in the health of the eyes and the skin, skeleton's growth and moisturizing the membranes. This vitamin also leads the body control against microbes and toxins; Vitamin B (Complex), assures the well functioning of the brain and whole nervous system; Vitamin B1, called Thiamine, is responsible of the proper functioning of the heart, muscles, nerves and digestion; Vitamin B2—Riboflavin—needed by the metabolism, antibody production and red cells configuration; Vitamin B3 (Niacin), it maintain and elaborates the functions of the B2; Vitamin B5 makes the work of developing a good management of energy produced by the burn of fat and carbohydrates; Vitamin E makes its contribution through the defend against free radicals of oxygen that may affect some cellular formations; Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, makes the difference within the immunization of the puppies' organisms, repairing tissues and increasing cell growth; Vitamin B6, also a metabolism helper and an aid on digestion; Vitamin B12—among others, it gives to the dog a good appetite. These Vitamins are the hidden reasons of buying supplements for dogs so go and get it! |
Puppy Training Tips - Puppy attention hints Posted: 08 May 2011 09:52 AM PDT  It is worth knowing which the conduct will remain the equivalent as soon as the puppy grows up inside have always been personal pet. If you need your pet dog to keep about bouncing regarding friends and family, its excellent to assist you to allow the puppy leap by yourself on any moment. Improved strategy is to make sure you reward this puppy and even reprimand regarding desirable conduct. Once the puppy is without a doubt moving for anyone, forget about this valuable actions. Create the puppy take a seat on the bottom and still provide a reward. A duration of time puppy should realise the benefit of sitting in front of you and also therefore definitely will ignore the habit involving swinging found at consumers. This really is to your great advantage when the puppy grows up not to mention gets to be an a type of dangerous doggy. Penalties into the puppy shouldn't be cared for seeing that discipline, and yet static correction on conduct. You must right puppy's habit when any kind of offence fully committed by your puppy. Never fix her looking for occasion distance. 1 example, should you not intend the puppy to set up woofing once doorbell bands, perfect the dog instantaneously. If you try deal with your pet following a guests have died, he may find lost. On one occasion this particular undesirable actions might be changed, always remember to be able to benefit the puppy with the suitable actions. This valuable benefit probably won't conclusively also known as diet basically. You would possibly present a well-being over the routine and unfortunately your k9 will be educated plenty of to find out your main decent feeling. Buy a high availablility of toys to your puppy to munch. Do not permit him to taste or perhaps chew on you. When the puppy hits your hand, develop a giant sound in order to make puppy grasp his own error. Don't try so that you can discipline this puppy in this behaviour. Avoid the position and don't make it possible for them close to you for some time. Puppy might understand why undoubtedly rather than try and reiterate which usually problem. Couple of chewable playthings can do this particular strategy successfully. Attempt to avoid leave behind any puppies un monitored inside a space. Pups because of their healthy inclination in eating, can mess up by using important content articles within the room. For those who scold your pet because of this, he could in no way understand the arguments from the habits. Allow it to cook presently there its own matters, followed by never need abandon your pet unattended. Pet dogs may go through poorly any time applied even on a rather long gain. Start training your current puppy in the vehicle for the purpose of lesser miles first after which you can continue to helping the adventure time and cientos. Puppy get fine-tuned so that you can extended stays in a vehicle. |
Karinas Cake House: Perfect Desserts Posted: 08 May 2011 09:48 AM PDT   Dessert is very important after having a course of meal with the passage of time. In fact you will be able to get the feel of completeness only after having the desserts. There are varieties of desserts available and you could definitely try out one by one every day without any issues. There are many that are liked by the people and at the same time there are many that are not preferred by the people with the passage of time. Ice creams and puddings are considered as the most common one that are preferred by the people for long time. There are many who are actually diabetic wherein they might not be allowed to take up the sweets with the passage of time. Considering these facts most of them are trying to avoid the desserts as they might be really tempted to take up the ice cream in large quantities without any issues with the passage of time. Considering these facts most of them are carrying on with the activity of getting hold of the cakes as you could end up with just one single piece wherein you need not have to bother about the level of blood sugar in your body after having a course of meal. There are different varieties of cakes and considering these factors you could definitely move on with the selection of the right variety without facing any issues with the passage of time. There are many people who are actually interested in baking different varieties of cakes with the passage of time and considering these factors you should try to select the best variety without any concerns. Even there are many recipes available on internet and you could definitely check out for the best recipe without any issues. There are many people carrying on with the different baking activities with the passage of time and considering these tasks you should try your level best in identifying the best vendors carrying on with the issues without facing any concerns with the passage of time. You can even search on internet in order to identify the best provider wherein you are given the choice to select the required cakes after checking on with the ingredients as well as the decoration without any issues. This will definitely help you in identifying the best bakery Los Angeles in the best possible manner without any concerns with the passage of time. |
Maserati GranTurismo Convertible Posted: 08 May 2011 09:34 AM PDT The heart of the Maserati GranTurismo Convertible is a powerful V8 engine featuring a 4.7 liter displacement and delivering 433 bhp at 7,000 rpm with a maximum torque of 361 ft-lb at 4,750 rpm. The engine cylinder bank is designed with an angle of 90° and valve timing actuated by two chain-driven overhead camshafts per bank with four valves per cylinder controlled by hydraulic tappets. The intake side camshafts are fitted with a low pressure continuous phase timing variator, which changes the valve opening process for optimal performance in as little as 0.15 seconds to increase the engine response. The timing chain design also makes the engine exceptionally reliable and quiet, with very low friction levels for reduced fuel consumption, as well as the capability for precision timing reflected in excellent cylinder filing capacity yielding top performance. Maserati GranTurismo convertible braking system has two circuits with four ventilated and perforated discs. The front axle mounts unibloc aluminum calipers which are more resistant to deformation than traditional two-piece calipers. Each front caliper has six pistons with different diameters and dual cast discs measuring 14.2in by 1.26 in. The rear axle has aluminum calipers with four pistons each with different diameters and 13. In x 1.1 inch cast iron discs. The ABS system integrates an improved Electronic Brake Force Distribution system for improved braking between the front and rear wheels. The Maserati GranTurismo offers impressive performance in its brake' capabilities and in their resistance to fade under intense use: the car boasts a stopping distance of just 114 feet from 60 mph to 0 mph with exceptionally high average deceleration rate of 1.24g. To improve uphill start the transmission employs a Hill Holder System, which it is designed to keep the vehicle braked for few seconds after the brake pedal is released on uphill slopes, thus enabling the driver to shift over the accelerator pedal without the vehicle moving back. The Maserati GranTurismo convertible is equipped with a convenient and simple electronic parking brake, which is automatically engaged when the car is in park and the ignition is shut off. The car also features the Hydraulic Brake Assist System, a first for Maserati. It recognizes panic situations by analyzing a combination of parameters such as the power brake pressure gradient, the wheel speed and illumination of the third stop light. The system monitors these parameters and takes over from the driver in activating the brake system at full power to ensure that full braking force is used under critical conditions. |
The Art in Age of Conan Posted: 08 May 2011 09:25 AM PDT Field of the Dead - "winter will come tomorrow" Of all the regions being shaped in Conan these days, one of my favorites so far is Field of the Dead. This wide valley located in the upper end of Conall's valley in Cimmeria is a most sacred of places, and filled with burial cairns for Cimmerian chieftains and heroes of ages past. Its history stretches all the way back to the Atlantean myths, and lying at the southern foot of the Ben Morgh mountain, one can simply sense the solemn atmosphere surrounding the place. At the same time, this is one of the places in Conan that can be called a powergamers dream, but the exact what and where of this will be revealed later, in due time. Suffice to say we hope to give you an intense, horrifying, and adrenaline-filled experience inside the mist-cloaked field. When creating this area, the first thing that came to mind (since this is in Cimmeria), were the wild mountains of Norway. One of the key visual themes for the area is indeed "mountain plateau / highlands" - prefixed by Hardanger and Finnmark... Google it up ;) - and "the ground is rocky, with little vegetation - mostly heather. Larger areas with heather, moss and lichen are found in the southern parts of the playfield." The organic feel of it all makes it look like the earth itself swallows that which grows out of it, and it's indeed a place of transformation, and death. The field is split by shallow river canyons and ridges created by sliding glaciers during the last ice age. Past the midst of it a larger canyon, the Canyon of Spirits, cuts through. The remaining part of a glacier is found in the northwestern part of the area, beside the ornamented exit from the House of Crom. |
Beras, Ramuan Rahasia Lem Super Kuat Posted: 07 May 2011 04:14 PM PDT Peneliti mendapati bahan makanan pokok masyarakat modern Asia, beras juga merupakan ramuan rahasia bagi lem super kuat yang digunakan di China sekitar 1500 tahun lalu. Pecampuran beras mungkin merupakan komposisi alat perekat pertama di dunia, berdasarkan keterangan American Chemical Society. Mortar merupakan pasta yang digunakan untuk mengikat dan mengisi jarak di antara batu bata, batu blok maupun materi konstruksi lainnya di mana merupakan bahan terbaik bagi bangunan masa lalu. Para pembangun menggunakan beberapa bahan untuk membangun struktur penting seperti kuburan, pagoda dan dinding kota, beberapa diantaranya masih tetap berdiri hingga saat ini. Komposisi paling kuat dibuat dengan mengkombinasikan sup beras yang lembut dengan campuran pelengket lain seperti batuan kapur atau batuan gamping yang telah dipanaskan dengan temperatur tinggi dan dikenai air, kata peneliti studi Bingjian Zhang, profesor dari Department of Chemistry di Zhejiang University, China. Studi analisis menunjukkan bahwa campuran kuno ini merupakan komposisi materi organik-anorganik spesial, kata Zhang. Komponen anorganik adalah kalsium karbonat dan komposisi organik ialah amylopectin di mana berasal dari sup nasi basah yang ditambahkan di dalam bahan pelengket ini. Amylopectin merupakan tipe dari polysaccharide atau zat karbonat yang rumit di mana ditemukan pada beras dan makanan lain yang mengandung zat tepung. Untuk menentukan apakah beras ini dapat digunakan untuk membangun, Zhang dan koleganya menyiapkan beberapa jenis beras dan dibandingkan dengan mortar biasa. Kesimpulan tes dari model mortar ini menunjukkan bahwa ketan-limau memberikan struktur yang lebih stabil, lebih kuat secara mekanis dan lebih kompatibel di mana ini menjadikannya cocok bagi bahan pelengket bangunan kuno, kata peneliti di Chemical Research, jurnal bulanan dari American Chemical Society (ACS). Bahkan, bahan pelengket ini sangat efisien untuk menjadi penopang bangunan yang cukup kuat menghadapi boldoser modern dan gempa bumi yang kuat. Sumber : |
7 Fakta Tentang Orangutan Sumatera Posted: 07 May 2011 04:12 PM PDT 1. Orangutan Sumatera merupakan satu spesies tersendiri yang dikenal sebagai Pongo abelii, sedangkan Orangutan Kalimantan terbagi menjadi 3 sub-spesies yaitu Pongo pygmaeus-pygmaeus, Pongo pygmaeus wurmbi, dan Pongo pygmaeus morio. 2. Orangutan Sumatera merupakan salah satu spesies yang masuk dalam kategori terancam punah (critically endangered). 3. Dibandingkan saudara dekatnya orangutan Sumatera lebih sering menghabiskan waktunya untuk bergerak diantara pohon-pohon daripada bergerak pindah menyusuri tanah. 4. Orangutan Sumatera saat ini hanya dapat dijumpai secara alami di bagian utara Pulau Sumatera, meskipun saat ini sedang dilakukan upaya reintroduksi orangutan Sumatera di Jambi. Sedangkan orangutan Kalimantan tersebar di seluruh pulau Kalimantan. 5. Analisis DNA menyimpulkan bahwa orangutan memiliki 97% kesamaan genetik dengan manusia, sehingga mudah terjadi penularan penyakit dari orangutan ke manusia ataupun sebaliknya (zoonosis). 6. Orangutan Sumatera menggunakan 54 jenis alat untuk memperoleh serangga atau madu dan 20 alat untuk membuka dan menyiapkan buah. Diperkirakan 65% Orangutan Sumatera menggunakan alat untuk makan. 7. Orangutan Sumatera lebih sosial dibandingkan Orangutan Kalimantan. |