

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog

Jumat, 13 September 2013

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog

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Better backlink data for site owners

Posted: 12 Sep 2013 09:15 AM PDT

Webmaster level: intermediate

In recent years, our free Webmaster Tools product has provided roughly 100,000 backlinks when you click the "Download more sample links" button. Until now, we've selected those links primarily by lexicographical order. That meant that for some sites, you didn't get as complete of a picture of the site's backlinks because the link data skewed toward the beginning of the alphabet.

Based on feedback from the webmaster community, we're improving how we select these backlinks to give sites a fuller picture of their backlink profile. The most significant improvement you'll see is that most of the links are now sampled uniformly from the full spectrum of backlinks rather than alphabetically. You're also more likely to get example links from different top-level domains (TLDs) as well as from different domain names. The new links you see will still be sorted alphabetically.

Starting soon, when you download your data, you'll notice a much broader, more diverse cross-section of links. Site owners looking for insights into who recommends their content will now have a better overview of those links, and those working on cleaning up any bad linking practices will find it easier to see where to spend their time and effort.

Thanks for the feedback, and we'll keep working to provide helpful data and resources in Webmaster Tools. As always, please ask in our forums if you have any questions.

Detik Pos Indonesia

Detik Pos Indonesia

Dari Lubuk Hati yang Paling Dalam, Jokowi Tolak Mobil Murah

Posted: 11 Sep 2013 11:36 PM PDT

Dari Lubuk Hati yang Paling Dalam, Jokowi Tolak Mobil Murah
DETIKPOS.net - Gubernur DKI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) tetap tidak sependapat dengan adanya program mobil murah. Kekhawatiran Jokowi beralasan karena program itu akan membuat Jakarta semakin macet.

"Nggak," ujar Jokowi saat ditanya apakah dirinya setuju atau tidak dari lubuk hati yang paling dalam atas adanya program mobil murah.

Jokowi mengatakan itu usai sidak di Kelurahan Johar Baru, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (12/9/2013).

Jokowi akan menyiasati mobil murah dengan ERP. Bisa juga Jokowi menerapkan pelat nomor ganjil genap kendaraan.

"Cegatnya pakai itu (ERP dan plat ganjil genap). Mungkin pakai pajak khusus," kata mantan Walikota Solo ini.

Ayah 3 anak ini menambahkan, mobil murah membuat dirinya puyeng. "Kita yang sekarang saja yang ngalamin pusing," tuturnya.

Sebelumnya, Menteri Perindustrian MS Hidayat meminta Jokowi tidak khawatir akan program mobil murah. Menurut Hiayat, program tersebut tidak akan terfokus di Jakarta dan menambah kemacetan di Ibu Kota.

"Kan sekarang launching, launchingnya nggak di Jakarta tapi di seluruh Indonesia. Jadi Pak Jokowi nggak usah khawatir, karena nggak hanya dijual di Jakarta saja, tapi ke ratusan kota di Indonesia," kata Hidayat selepas melakukan rapat koordinasi di Kantor Kementerian Perindustrian, Jalan Lapangan Banteng, Jakarta, Kamis (12/9/2013). [detik/risma]

Published by : Detik Pos dot Net