

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog

Jumat, 29 Maret 2013

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog

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The Webmaster Academy goes international

Posted: 28 Mar 2013 04:05 AM PDT

Webmaster level: All

Since we launched the Webmaster Academy in English back in May 2012, its educational content has been viewed well over 1 million times.

The Webmaster Academy was built to guide webmasters in creating great sites that perform well in Google search results. It is an ideal guide for beginner webmasters but also a recommended read for experienced users who wish to learn more about advanced topics.

To support webmasters across the globe, we're happy to announce that we're launching the Webmaster Academy in 20 languages. So whether you speak Japanese or Italian, we hope we can help you to make even better websites! You can easily access it through Webmaster Central.

We'd love to read your comments here and invite you to join the discussion in the help forums.

KBBI online (dalam jaringan) versi 1.2 hadir lebih informatif

KBBI online (dalam jaringan) versi 1.2 hadir lebih informatif

Link to ebsoft.web.id

KBBI online (dalam jaringan) versi 1.2 hadir lebih informatif

Posted: 28 Mar 2013 12:25 AM PDT

Kebutuhan akan referensi suatu arti kata dalam bahasa Indonesia yang mudah dan informatif diharapkan lebih mudah didapatkan dengan hadirnya KBBI Online (Daring = dalam jaringan) versi 1.2 ini. Web apps (application) yang berupa Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia ini saat ini akan lebih nyaman diakses dari berbagai perangkat media (gadget), mengusung sedikit konsep Responsive design. Salah [...]

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