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If you're intrigued by the Search Queries feature in Webmaster Tools but aren't sure how to make it actionable, we have a video that we hope will help!
Maile shares her approach to Search Queries in Webmaster Tools
Average position (only the top-ranking URL for the user's query is factored in our calculation)
The video also reviews an approach to investigating Top queries and Top pages:
Prepare by understanding your website's goals and your target audience (then using Search Queries "filters" to support your knowledge)
Sort by clicks in Top queries to understand the top queries bringing searchers to your site (for the given time period)
Sort by CTR to notice any missed opportunities
Categorize queries into logical buckets that simplify tracking your progress and staying in touch with users' needs
Sort Top pages by clicks to find the URLs on your site most visited by searchers (for the given time period)
Sort Top pages by impressions to find valuable pages that can be used to help feature your related, high-quality, but lower-ranking pages
After you've watched the video and applied the knowledge of your site with the findings from Search Queries, you'll likely have several improvement ideas to help searchers find your site. If you're up for it, let us know in the comments what Search Queries information you find useful (and why!), and of course, as always, feel free to share any tips or feedback.
Written by Maile Ohye, Developer Programs Tech Lead - Dok saya mau tanya, bagaimana caranya melakukan aktifitas seks biar agak lama. Sekarang ini seringnya suami hanya bisa bertahan selama sekitar tiga menit? Apa yang harus saya lakukan sebagai istri? Apakah suami perlu berobat?
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